Living the brand

This portal is a place of learning and sharing for all who work at IWC.

We value our people and care about their happiness and wellbeing. Our people are at the core of the brand and without our people, our brand would not have a soul. It is important that “the people” embody and understand the values, that the brand stands for.

Our values are the beliefs the company stands for. They guide our behaviour and actions and ensure we truly, Live the Brand. Please read and learn the values so that they become second nature and are a part of how you think and interact with your colleagues and clients.

Be a good brand ambassador, be consistent in your behaviours and duties, and always safeguard the reputation of IWC.

Our values



We are determined to deliver

By persevering and remaining steadfast, we can deliver something that exceeds all expectations.


Together we can make a difference

Through trust and collaboration, we can create something that we can all be proud of.


Excellent delivery, every time

By being consistent and attentive to the detail, we can deliver on quality, each and every time.


Mindful actions, with heart

Through considerate behaviour and compassion, we support and guide our colleagues and community, where ever we can.


We always come out on top

Through persistent efforts and adaptability to ever changing conditions, we are able to improve and innovate to remain the industry leader.

We are stronger together.

Win a R1000 cash prize

This month we are focusing on our first value, ”tenacious”.

Watch the videos below and learn more about this value. Then answer three easy questions and submit your details to stand a chance of winning the bi-monthly prize.


We are determined to

By persevering and remaining

we can deliver something

that exceeds all



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Tell us why you think you are an IWC ambassador…

Your story



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The brand toolbox

This toolbox contains information for you to learn and share.

Find out more about what a brand is, how to be a better brand ambassador or find out ways to be happier.

Living the Brand Download toolkit
Be The Change

Be The Change

Great Example of a Brand Ambassador

Great Example of a Brand Ambassador

How KFC Was Made from a Gas Station Chicken Recipe

How KFC Was Made from a Gas Station Chicken Recipe

Ways to Wellness

Ways to Wellness