Anyone for a collaboration cocktail?

Everyone and everything has a story … This story begins in 1999, when Pieter van Helden fell in love with the distillation process and started the production of hobby level fruit brandies. This love slowly grew into the founding of a whisky startup business in 2018. Today the Helden Distillery focuses on the art of whisky, brandy and gin production.
Enter IWC, equally passionate about providing a solution to enhance the production of these handcrafted spirits. Through collaboration and consultation, we were able to provide Pieter with a solution that would best suit the distiller’s requirements and output required. The package cooling tower unit was placed outside the distillery and connected by both PVC and copper piping to the main distilling unit inside the building.
Pieter comments “I chose IWC as they offered a total solution, including engineering expertise, which was far more than their competitors were offering. I am thrilled with the final outcome.”
The new unit completes the current still which has three main components, a boiler, a reflux column and a condenser. The water from the cooling tower is used to remove the heat in the condensers ensuring maximum processing efficiency.
We supplied the entire package cooling tower EWK064, complete with pump, piping, installation and instrumentation for the still’s condenser cooling system. The EWK range of package cooling towers is ideally suited to smaller processing plants in the food and beverage industries, but is also used extensively in various other industries.
Chat to us about how we can assist in maximising plant efficiencies with our range of cooling towers. Contact us