SAIRAC 2022 golf day

IWC recently participated in the annual SAIRAC golf day held at Irene Golf Club. It was a successful day despite a rain stoppage due to a typical Highveld downpour.
We managed a 7th place win in the competition thanks to the team of Rudi, Karl, Rian and Tim who won ball retrievers in the competition. Unfortunately, our second team, Kagiso, Cheldon, Hernus and Christine didn’t do as well. Better luck next time.
Thanks to our ladies, Lucy Hawthorne, Colleen Else and Krizia Giammartini for manning the 7th hole, a par 3 with a beautiful view. The winner of our sponsored prize for the closest to the pin, was John Hards from Team Kovco, congratulations, we hope that you enjoy the GPS Voice Caddy and goodies.
Thanks to Mariet and the team from SAIRAC for great day out. We will be back next year!