Thank you IWC

What do you do with the corporate branded gifts left over from exhibition events? One option is to donate them to a local charity or school… This is what we did 😀. We received this thank you from a teacher in Luanda, Angola where we attended the FILDA exhibition.
“Hello, Mr Deon. Here’s Rosa Camolaquenda, we met each other in Luanda at Filda, where I freelanced as Interpreter. I am writing to thank you and IWC (Pty) Ltd for the offer you gave to me so that I could give to my students. The school started about two weeks ago, and I already gave the notebooks and the pen to them, we really appreciate the gift!!! Thank You very Much, Love, Rosa!”
We 💚 this and so nice to give back and so glad that our gifts are being put to good use. #givingbacktothecommunity